Intézménytelenítés akciók, kezdeményezések/Deinstitutionalisation actions, initiatives

Ebben a részben olyan cikkeket, anyagokat, videókat és képeket gyűjtök össze, melyek az intézménytelenítés mozgalmát igyekeznek bemutatni konkrét akciók, kezdeményezések, viták, érvek és ellenérvek formájában.

In this part I collect articles, materials, videos, photos related to deinstitutionalisation movement, showing concrete actions, initiatives, debates, arguments.

In English

About the European Coalition for Community Living (ECCL)

The European Coalition for Community Living is a Europe-wide initiative working towards the social inclusion of people with disabilities by promoting the provision of comprehensive, quality community-based services as an alternative to institutionalisation.

Children and Young People With Disabilities in Residential Institutions in Greece
By Prof. John Tsiantis, APHCA

(published in the ECCL_Newsletter)
Until the 1980s, care services for people with mental, intellectual, or physical disabilities in Greece were exclusively provided in the form of segregated and institutional care. This system included institutions, psychiatric hospitals and asylums of various sizes, which operated as places of confinement rather than of care, in poor conditions, employing insufficient and unqualified staff. Complaints about inhuman conditions in such settings, focusing on the psychiatric hospital on the island of Leros, led to reactions at both national and international levels. As a result, a wide, multi-annual programme of deinstitutionalisation and the creation of new community-based care units was developed in the country, with the ongoing support of the European Union.

Latvia: government must establish independent investigation into fire deaths in social care institution, and commit to closure of institutions
As Latvia mourns the burning to death of 25 residents of a social care home, MDAC calls for a prompt, effective investigation and a commitment to the closure of institutions.

Press Release By the Mental Disability Advocacy Center
8 March 2007, Zagreb (Croatia) and Budapest (Hungary) – There is now increased hope for
people detained in mental health and social care institutions in Croatia. Until now the reality
of their daily lives has been hidden from public view. An innovative project funded by
the European Union means that this will now change. For three days this week 20 human
rights activists, including those with intellectual disabilities and psycho-social (mental
health) disabilities, were trained in Croatia to monitor mental health and social care institutions.
Such monitoring is planned for the first time in Croatia this spring/summer and
the results will be published nationally and internationally. (to read the full article click on the title)

State investigates neighbor's yearslong protest of Norco group home

NORCO - State authorities are investigating whether a protest of a group home for developmentally disabled women violates their right to fair housing, said Paul Ramsey, chief counsel with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

Rosewood Center: A Demand for Closure

For years, MDLC has been raising concerns about unsafe conditions at Rosewood Center (Rosewood) and calling for closure of this flawed, outmoded institution. State oversight officials recently found conditions at Rosewood, Maryland’s largest institution for people with developmental disabilities, pose immediate jeopardy to the health and safety of residents.

Video on MDRI investigation in Romanian psychiatric institution

Lessons to be Learned: Life after the Tragic Fire in the Social Care Home “Regi”
By Ieva Leimane-Valdmeijere, ZELDA

Just three months ago we were shocked to find out about the terrible death of 26 people with mental disabilities - residents of the social care home “Regi”, which was one of more than 30 social care homes located in the western part of Latvia. Out of 90 residents almost one third died. The appalling accident has made Latvian society question whether institutional care is the best option for people with mental disabilities.

Inclusion in Germany
Daheim statt Heim: The closing of institutions and inclusion of
older people and people with disabilities, by Silvia Schmidt MP

Daheim statt Heim (“living at home or in supported living instead of institutions”) is a federal initiative facilitated by Silvia Schmidt and launched in December 2006. Silvia Schmidt is a member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), a representative and a delegate for people with disabilities in the German Parliament. The initiative is gaining more and more popularity and is supported by professionals, experts, representatives of associations of disabled people and politicians from a range of parties in the Parliament.

In Hungarian

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