Pszicho-szociális rehabilitáció - definíciók/ psychosocial rehabilitation definitions

In 1985, the International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (IAPRS) published the following definition of psychosocial rehabilitation

The process of facilitating an individual's restoration to an optimal level of independent functioning in the community .... While the nature of the process and the methods used differ in different settings, psychosocial rehabilitation invariably encourages persons to participate actively with others in the attainment of mental health and social competence goals. In many settings, participants are called members. The process emphasises the wholeness and wellness of the individual and seeks a comprehensive approach to the provision of vocational, residential, social/recreational, educational and personal adjustment services.'
Cnaan et al, Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4: April 1988, p.61)


Psychosocial rehabilitation has been defined as

a therapeutic approach that encourages a mentally ill person to develop his or her fullest capacities through learning and environmental supports" (Bachrach, 1996)

Bachrach, LL. Psychosocial rehabilitation and psychiatry: what are the boundaries? (1996). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 41: 28-35.


Definition of Psychosocial Rehabilitation

PSR is an approach which has developed in response to the particular needs of persons with severe psychiatric disabilities. The goal is to improve the quality of life of these individuals by assisting them to assume responsibility over their lives and to function as actively and independently in society as possible. Emphasis is placed on client empowerment and on client choice. The approach is based on a clearly articulated set of principles which are operationalized in a spectrum of programs and services. The programs and services are designed to both strengthen the individual’s skills & to develop the environmental supports necessary to sustain the individual in the community.


Psychosocial Rehabilitation: A Route to Recovery University of MichiganSchool of social work

•As the name implies, PSR aims to help people with emotional disabilities, even those with long-term, serious mental illnesses, to readjust to community life. Recovery does not necessarily mean "cure." Rather, according to the International Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, the goal is:
•…to enable individuals to compensate for, or eliminate, the functional deficits and to restore ability for independent living…PSR providers build on the strengths of each individual by emphasizing wellness and by including families and the community in the recovery process. (1995)
•"PSR takes a comprehensive approach to providing vocational, residential, social/recreational, educational, and personal adjustment services," says Social Work Professor Carol Mowbray, a leading proponent of this practice approach. "Individuals set goals of their own choosing and working on acquiring the skills and supports they need to pursue their rehabilitation goals. Taking charge of their own recovery contributes to a sense of hope and self-worth."


Definition of Psychosocial Rehabilitation

•Psychosocial rehabilitation is a therapeutic approach towards the betterment of life and the improvement in mental functioning. It is earmarked for that group of people known as chronic mental patients. It is multidisciplinary, with the utilization of social work, counseling, case-management, vocational training, therapeutic recreation and many other helping professional as well as non-professional disciplines.
•The approach is an environmental one. It is designed to alter, to improve, to make less noxious, the setting or living situation of the people being worked with. A total support system may need to be developed in some very isolated and withdrawn people. They may need training and education in socialization even after they are brought into contact with others. They need relationships. Boredom needs to be combatted, and improvement in the relationship with important family members is a desired goal. A suitable home or place to live.

Karl Easton, M.D. (1984). 584Psychoanalytic Principles in PsychosocialRehabilitation Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 12:569-


A clinical definition of psychosocial rehabilitation offered by the World Health Organization (WHO)

as a process that offers the opportunity for individuals who are impaired, disabled, or handicapped by a mental disorder to reach their optimal level of independent functioning in the community.

But working with victims of the Mt. Pinatubo eruption in Central Luzon, Lourdes Ladrido-Igancio and Antonio Perlas illustrate a more practical understanding of psychosocial intervention. Writing for the International Journal for Mental Health in 1995, they said: “The most basic issue in psychosocial intervention following a disaster is to transform those affected from being victims to survivors. What differentiates a victim from a survivor is that the former feels himself (sic) subject to a situation over which he has no control over his environment or himself, whereas a survivor has regained a sense of control and is able to meet the demands of whatever difficulty confronts him. A victim is passive and dependent upon others; a survivor is not --- he is able to take an active role in efforts to help his community and himself recover from the disaster.


Psychosocial rehabilitation

Psychosocial rehabilitation is a process in which activities are undertaken to help persons with psychosocial disabilities to optimize their quality of life and self-carem so that they can function in various freely chosen settings (living, work, other) which are both personally and socially satisfactory

Jean-Pierre Wilken at al. (1994)

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