Betegjogok, ellátotti jogok/patients' rights



Coming Together - mental health service users and disability rights
The Disability Rights Commission's (DRC) goal is a society where all disabled people can participate fully as equal citizens. 'All' disabled people means people from all minority and majority communities living in Britain, people of all ages, from Scotland, Wales and England. It also means people with different impairments - who face very different barriers to participation in social and economic life. For example, someone with a diagnosis of schizophrenia may find one of the biggest barriers is other people's fears; whereas someone with a visual impairment may be under-estimated, or may face practical barriers like lack of accessible information.
This document lays out, for feedback and discussion, some of the disability rights issues that are particular to users and survivors of mental health services; and those that are shared with other disabled people. We welcome feedback on this document: please email any comments to DRC, 222 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8LH.


Társaság a Szabadságjogokért

The Patients Association

Mental Disability Rights International

Mental Disability Advocacy Center
The Mental Disability Advocacy Center advances the human rights of adults and children with actual or perceived intellectual or psycho-social disabilities. Focusing on Europe and central Asia, we use a combination of law and advocacy to promote equality and social integration.

Események, akciók/ events, actions

Előadás a támogatott döntéshozatal modelljéről

A TASZ pert nyert az IMEI ellen

a TASZ által képviselt ügyfél keresetet indított az Igazságügyi Megfigyelő és Elmegyógyító Intézet (IMEI) ellen, hogy a bíróság állapítsa meg: az IMEI megsértette személyhez fűződő jogait, amikor az intézetben történt elhelyezése során nem biztosított számára nemdohányzó kórtermet, valamint akkor, amikor indokolatlan gyógykezelésnek vetették alá.

Ombudsmani vizsgálat az autisták ellátása ügyében
A TASZ az ombudsmanhoz fordult az autizmus kezelésével kapcsolatos hiányosságok miatt.

Hátráltatás vagy joghézag - vizsgálhatja-e az ombudsman a beteglapokat?
Takács Albert, az állampolgári jogok országgyűlési biztosának általános helyettese 2004 tavaszán saját hatáskörében vizsgálatot indított, melynek során a betegjogok, és az egészségügyi ellátáshoz való jogon belül is különösen a megfelelő fájdalomcsillapításhoz való jog érvényesüléséről kívánt tájékozódni.

Hidden Suffering - Romania’s Segregation and Abuse of Infants and Children with Disabilities the product of an 18-month investigation by Mental Disability Rights
International (MDRI) into the human rights abuses of children with disabilities in
Romania. This report documents a broad range of atrocious conditions for children with
disabilities inside Romania’s institutions. While Romania has reduced its orphanage
population and created foster care placements for many children, the reforms have left
behind children with disabilities. This report documents serious human rights violations
against children with disabilities in institutions for both children and adults. As the
European Union (EU) readies to announce a date for Romania to join the EU, MDRI
urges the EU to insist on immediate action by the government of Romania to end these abuses.

Video on the MDRI investigation in Romania

Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) announced this week that the use of electroconvulsive or “shock” treatment (ECT) without the use of anesthesia and muscle relaxants (known as unmodified ECT) has been abolished at Bakirköy. The facility, located in Istanbul, has more than 2900 beds and is Turkey’s largest psychiatric hospital. MDRI staff in Turkey were informed about these developments from leading Turkish psychiatrists and staff at Bakirköy.

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